Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On the Autism Health and Wellness Expo, Part Two

It is difficult to convey exactly how charismatic, convincing, and generally smooth the Geiers are. I've been trying to put the matter to words, and failing repeatedly. I have deleted the text of this message several times and started over just as many.

I suppose one anecdote from meeting them -- while minor -- will help. I knew several of the parents there. One of them was a highly qualified clinician who I've had a degree of experience with. She has always been among the more reasonable of the professionals in the area (in certain respects, anyway -- I've never worked with her clinically) and is a highly intelligent speech-language pathologist with a nineteen-year-old autistic son.

Said son apparently showed an interest in pornography for the first time rather recently. After attending the Geiers' presentation, she is now looking into getting him chemically castrated.


  1. I find this truly disturbing. No reasonable person would consider doing such an atrocious thing to a neurotypical 19-year-old boy, unless they had a history of committing sex crimes, which obviously this kid does not.

  2. There's a bit of a *Glomp* in your last sentence or two.

    On what grounds did the Geiers say that people should be chemically castrated?

    But, yes, that is an example of charm and charisma.

    (It may be an example of coercion)...

  3. The Geiers believe that testosterone inhibits the body's ability to eliminate mercury, thus rendering you more vulnerable to it. As such, autistic individuals -- who supposedly have more testosterone than non-autsitic individuals -- are more vulnerable to the mercury from vaccines.

  4. I'm very upset about this because I think I know who you are referring to. Let's leave it at that. :(

    The Geiers upset me in more ways than one. Lupron is not a miracle drug. Even its accepted uses, like for the treatment of endometriosis in women, can wreak havoc in the body. I know, because I went through it many years ago. My doctor assured me it was the best thing out there(and I guess at the time, it was), that there would be 'some' uncomfortable side effects but that after the six month injection course was over, everything would go back to normal. I was back then in my early twenties experiencing menopausal symptoms. I mean the whole range of menopause. Lightly put, it was hormonal hell. After the treatment was done, my body didn't 'go back to normal'. I felt sick for a long time, endured having health professionals tell me it was 'mental', until finally a capable doctor ran tests and realized my hormones were horribly out of whack due to the long term side effects of lupron. I would have been so great if someone had told me that the remedy was going to be worse than the sickness.

    It took me two years to recover from six months of treatment with Lupron. I do not wish the experience to my worst enemy.

    I guess I was not alone...there even was a class action suit against the pharmaceutical company.

    As you can see, I take big issue with the Geiers' 'research'.

    So every time anyone comes and tells me that 'maybe' this would 'cure' my son's autism (as if I'm looking to cure it!), I want to tell them to go to hell.

    Why are people like the Geiers even allowed to promote their non-ethical, non-medical based treatment? They are preying on desperate parents and their victims are people with disabilities that do not have a way to fend for themselves. It is totally disgusting to me. They should be put in jail.

  5. I flinch and horribly as I cogitate through the names and circumstances.

    Very much appreciate the explanations, from Cheezem and Anonymous.

    I shake my head.

    Testererone? Mercury?

    And as for menopause and class suits ...
